In Garland Texas a young boy drowned while rescuers where attempting to pull him from flood waters. During the attempt to save him, he lost his balance and grip of the bridge support he was holding onto and was swept down the flood waters. Several police officers jumped into the water to try to save the boy but could not reach him without becoming a victim themselves.
Now the parents of the boy are getting on TV stating the rescuers did not do enough and they are to blame for their son's death. Even going as far as threatening legal recourse. It goes without saying that I feel for these parents and their loss. But the blameless society we live in today has got to stop.
If this family attempts to sue the city or rescuers, I hope the city turns around and sues this family for neglect. Why were they allowing their son to play in or next to a swollen creek where it had been raining for a week straight on and off and multiple people had already lost their lives to flood waters. This wasn't a flash flood that came from nowhere. This had been going on for a week. Rain everyday somewhere in or near Garland Texas. How about you blame yourself for not teaching your son the dangers of flood waters. How about you blame your 13 year old son for playing in such a dangerous situation.
These policeman and rescuers put their lives on the line to try and save a child that chose to play near a dangerous situation. The decisions they make are split second and the last thing they need to do is to worry if the decision they make will result in them getting sued by the same people they are trying to save from themselves.