The sister of a man that was suspected of soliciting a 13 year old boy on the internet for sex, is bringing a "frivolous" lawsuit...wait let me try not be so biased. The sister of a man...OH who am I kidding. This lady is trying to sue NBC for $105 million because her brother, a retired district attorney, shot and killed himself as police were about to serve a warrant on him for soliciting sex from who he thought was a 13 year old during a Perverted Justice/Dateline sting.
The sister claims a police officer told a Dateline producer "That'll make good TV." You know what, he's right. But, what does that have to do with the man killing himself. That did not make the man shoot himself. I can draw a common sense conclusion as to why the man killed himself, he was guilty. Not tricked, not coerced. He was going to be given a fair trail or in the case of these men that were involved in this sting operation, charges dropped. He chose the death penalty.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
You're suing for what?!?!?!?
Monday, July 09, 2007
The Real 2006 'Iraq Body Count'
The Real 2006
'Iraq Body Count'
Iraqi civilians killed last year by ISLAMIC Terrorists
Iraqi civilians killed collaterally in incidents involving Americans
(and Islamic Terrorists)
Iraqis aren't
dying from war.
They are being murdered by
Islamic terrorists.
*Source: (includes civilians caught in crossfire who may have been killed by the terrorists, and terrorists who may have been counted as civilians)
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